Other Blogs

Do you follow any non-quilting related blogs?  I know they must be out there, but I can barely keep up with my quilting blogs, so I have stayed away.  I am easily distracted ;-)  {Technically I follow The Pioneer Woman, think she is great, but I am overwhelmed by the huge amount of information on her blog and rarely visit.  However, I thoroughly enjoy following her on Twitter....she cracks me up!}

Thanksgiving Turkey
I mention this because the subject came up last night when I was picking up my daughter at the airport.  I was chatting with another mom, discussing how quiet the house was the four days our sixth graders were away, talking about how we missed them, and commiserating about the fact that they will be off to college before we know it.  (Actually, I do know a little something about that since my oldest has already left home and my middlest is a high school senior so will be heading off to college soon.)  Susan joked about how we need to get a hobby, and I am sure you can imagine how the conversation progressed from there ;-) 

Unfortunately for me, Susan isn't a quilter, but come to find out, she is a blogger!  I had no idea....she lives right down the street from me and I never knew.  Imagine the conversations we have missed!  She blogs about food at Sauce and Sensibility.  I checked it out this morning, and I found myself getting extremely hungry ;-)  There are some yummy looking recipes on her site along with  fantastic photos (taken by her husband).  With the holidays approaching, I figured this is a good time to try new recipes and an opportunity to explore and discover some food blogs.

Are there any non-quilt related blogs you have discovered?

This quilt needs to be quilted this weekend so my son can take it back with him...it will be his girlfriend's Christmas present.

Have an amazing weekend!!!  I'm going to hug my "long lost" daughter now ;-)

Rene'NQR, food, random7 Comments