Rambling On and On

Preparing for an open house is for the birds.  For one thing, I could really use my design wall right now, but like a good girl, I put it away for those non quilters who may look at my house.

So instead of this big area to work with....

....I have this little area.

For another thing, I haven't found time to read my favorite blogs, leave comments, browse Flickr, catch up on Facebook, keep up with the Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along, etc. because again I am being a good girl and instead am cleaning out closets, organizing book shelves, replacing pillow cushions and curtains, making trips to Goodwill, etc.

I blame lack of adequate design space for all the ripping and resewing going on with this Feeling Groovy quilt.  I either keep reading my pattern upside down or confuse the top and the bottom of this quilt!  Slow going, but hopefully I will have a finished top to show on Friday.  Stay tuned!

With all the starts and stops on the Groovy quilt, I used the Leaders & Enders method to make these wonky blocks.  It is amazing how fast these little pieces can be made into something this way.  

Last but not least, these arrived in the mail today!  I just love them.  I ordered them from Anna at Lilla Lotta whose link I discovered from Rita.  I am thinking of christening them by putting one on the back of the Feeling Groovy quilt.  What is the label etiquette for charity/auction quilts?  Anybody know?

Have an amazing day!!!

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